Pinar del Rio 2 - Alzey / Düsseldorf
"Natur - Protektion
The third mural en Pinar.
Grupo HECO
UNEAC, Farbfieber
Isaac Linares, Milo, Abel Morejon,Pinar, Klaus Klinger, Düsseldorf und viele Helfer
In the province of Pinar del Rio |
| Save the nature
| Pinar, at work
As a complementary twin to the mural in Alzey, Germany, painted in summer 99, the third Agenda 21 mural, was painted recently (compare: "Pinar 1"). With the help of many people, artists worked on the picture for three weeks.
| Maler und Helfer bei der Einweihung
The overlying subject was the threat to nature by contamination caused by mankind. The province of Pinar hosts many nature reserves, which need to be protected. The motive of the mural is “Mogotes“, an extraordinary hilly area with no comparison world wide, protected by an over-dimensional condom. A caravan, consisting of old and new cars, carry noise, rubbish, tourism and industry into the area. It symbolises the threat, not only to nature, but also to the residents.
| Biogas in Pinar
The mountains have the shape of an ear and are covered by rare fauna and flora. It also symbolises respect and the ability to listen. Residents of Pinar curiously watched the painting of the mural and anyone could follow the many discussions about the content. The “Biogas-cow“ especially, received a lot of attention.
| SchülerInnen malen ein Wandbild zum selben Thema
Female and male students discussed the themes of the mural during their school lessons. Meanwhile, they also painted another mural on a smaller wall nearby. There were a lot of support and interest in further mural paintings in Pinar.