Berlin - St. Petersburg / Russland
Wall at the "Kastanienbaum" Primary school Berlin Mitte
Realized: July/August 2000
Galerie Ngano
Renat Islamov, St. Petersburg / Russland, Marina Lioubaskina, Berlin,
the wall at the "Katanienbaum"-primary-school in Berlin |
| working
| Sketch
Renat Islamov is an artist from Tscheljabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Wolgograd. He painted murals in his hometown and at the Newski Prospekt in St. Petersburg. Because of the limited space in the inner court he designed a smaller sequence of motives, which forms a harmonic symbol of earthly love.
| The artist
. Galerie Ngano, Gipsstr. 23 B, D - 10119 Berlin-Mitte
Tel. 030 - 28599 340, Fax: 030 - 28599 341
| in work2