Solingen 2 - Youngsters from 5 nations

"Starting together"
1999, Homeless Asylum for Young People, Hermannstrasse 10, Solingen, Germany

Youth welfare office Solingen  


Youngsters of 5 nations and Klaus Klinger, Düsseldorf (Germany)

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Solingen, opening

“Starting together”

Solingen, the team
Sixteen youngsters from Turkey, Poland, France and Italy came to Solingen to a youth camp organized by SCI in order to renovate a homeless asylum for young people. They lived and worked together with them for three weeks, even went to the disco together. Despite the difficult constellation, with languages and views, it turned out to be a cooperative and cordial atmosphere.

The mural was, as part of the work, an occasion to reflect and to talk about the situation: about the homeless asylum, about the inhabitants and the neighbourhood. About being homeless and living in poverty in general.
Among various pictures they had previously painted, the children agreed on a layout, which expressed their opinion the most: the idea of change, the idea of turning the page to a new and better life. There are no new recipes or ways offered, than to start together now on the verge of the millennium.

Die Künstlerinnen

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