Pinar del Rio - Düsseldorf
Since 1992 a group of artists called ECO, co-operates with Farbfieber from Düsseldorf. Thus far, nine murals were painted in Pinar and in North-Rhine Westphalia, four of which deal with the concept of Agenda 21.
Grupo HECO
Isaac Linares, Juan Garcia Milo, Abel Morejon Gala,Cuba, Klaus Klinger, Düsseldorf
Straßenszene in Pinar |
| Medizinische Fakultät Pinar: Natur und Mensch
| Frauenwandbild an der Fachhochschule
. In 1998 there was a mural festival supported by Farbfieber, and three new murals were painted. Again, two of them have the Agenda 21 as their subject. One of the huge pictures is located on the walls of the College for Pedagogics and the other one on the theatre walls of the Institute for Medicine.
Pinar del Rio is a provincial capital city and is well known because of its famous Cuban tobacco. Pinar is located in the eastern part of the island and unlike Havana; it is not in the centre of international contacts and information. Still, the city hosts a big University and different colleges. Tourists rarely find their way here, because Pinar is situated in the centre of the island. Further still, besides marginal economical restrictions, the place carries huge artistic potential. It is reflected through many different forms of artistic expressions, which all have one thing in common: the relationship between human being and its interaction and attitude towards the surrounding social and natural environment. This might be influenced either by the Afro-Cuban religion or by the ironic reflection of the changes and contradictions of Cuba in present world.
Since 1992 there is a vital cultural exchange with Farbfieber and nearly every year artists from Pinar come to Germany to participate in mural paintings. Through the establishment of a project group, which prepares and co-ordinates mural events, murals are found throughout the city of Pinar.
Since some years there is an intensive exchange of German women with the University for Pedagogics, on the subjects women and ecology.
| Don Quichote reitet wieder
| Ich vertraue auf das Schicksal
| Wandbild Universität
| 1. mural de mujeres