Valparaiso - Essen

Valparaiso, Chile, Realisation: december 2001

Claudio Francia  

EXILE-Kulturkoordination e.V., Agenda-Büro,Essen

Claudio Francia, Carolina Vivian Aroca T., Edgar del Canto, Chile, Marcos Molina, Brasilien und Gine Selle, Germany

Valparaiso mit Wandbild von C. Francia

Diese Bild größer zeigen
Valparaiso, a part of the wall

The artists are in work now.

Valparaiso, Detail
The artist Claudio Francia from Chile painted some bigger murals in his home country and in Germany. Claudio's last mural was painted and finalised during summer 2001 in Muenster, Germany.
Gine Selle

the artists

Valparaiso, K.Klinger,C.Francia, 1994
The first mural picture in the field of ecology, in Chile, was painted by Claudio and Klaus Klinger from Düsseldorf, Germany, in 1995.

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