Hamm - Bradford / England, Indien

Wall: Weststraße 25, Hamm, Germany, 2000

FUgE - Forum Umwelt und gerechte Entwicklung e.V.  

Stadt Hamm, SNOW-Network

Amerjeat Kaur, Shaun Fagan, Bradford / England und Osman Bol


Diese Bild größer zeigen
mural of Hamm

Immigration, communities, influences

en work
Both the German-Turkish painter Osman Bol from Hamm and the Indo-British artist Amerjeat Kaur from Hamm’s English partner city Bradford are children of the first immigrant generation. Their views of ”living between two worlds” is expressed in the mural of Hamm. The design reveals the themes of immigration, communities and the parallel influences of the cultures. The mural portrays Germans who emigrated to Bradford in the 19th century (mainly wool and textile traders) as well as people from Asia and Turkey who settled in Hamm and Bradford following the second world war. The picture depicts the enrichment and the risks – above all, through lack of communication – which are present in communities where people from different cultures live.

This project should also promote the awareness of the ”sustainability of culture”:
”Development can no longer pass for a single, similar and straight path everywhere because such a model would unavoidably have to exclude the factors of cultural diversity and cultural experiments and therefore limit the human race’s creative potential with regard to our inheritance of the past and the unimaginable of the future.”
(Javiar Pérez de Cuellar, Weltkommission für Kultur und Entwicklung, 1999).
Organisatoren: FUGE, Stadtmarketing Hamm

Links: www.muenster.org/snow

the artists

Supporters:CDG und Staatskanzlei NRW, Sparkasse Hamm, Stadt Hamm, Ökofonds Bündnis 90/Die Grünen NRW, Katholischer Fonds für entwicklungsbezogene Bildungsarbeit, Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft 3. Welt, City of Bradford, Firma Düchting, (Bauunternehmung).

Fotos: Andreas Rother, Klaus Klinger, Henrik Wiemer

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