Ahaus - Jabiluka / Australia
"A Mural for Ahaus"
Ahaus, Germany, June 2000
BI "Ein Wandbild für Ahaus"
Farbfieber, Düsseldorf / Germany
Gordon Hookey, Sydney / Australia;
Klaus Klinger, Düsseldorf / Germany
Ahaus |
| The mural in Ahaus 70 meters long
„A Mural for Ahaus“
| Mechthild Liebermann from Ahaus gives their congratulations to Gordon and Klaus
For Ahaus wall painting is new especially that two artists of quite different cultures plan and realize the mural project together. For six weeks the artists are going to live in Ahaus to have many discussions and interviews until they realize their project. During the whole period the citizens of Ahaus are involved in this process.
| 35 women and men from Burundi danced amd drummed at the inauguration of the mural
For the city of Ahaus there will be a new kind of urban culture. And this will be noticed positively in the public. The realisation of the mural will be companied by exhibitions, musical events, films, lectures, discussions and feasts.
| The Tasmanian Tiger (extorted) and the Digeredoo stand for the Australian Uranium
What then to do about an Australian aboriginal artist in Ahaus?
The Mirrar aborigines live in the area of Jabiluka in North Australia since thousands of years. About 5000 of their holy places are situated in this region. 20000 year old wall paintings testify to the people’s history. The region of Jabiluka was acknowledged and protected as “inheritance of global culture” (Weltkulturerbe) by the UNESCO. And precisely in this area uranium ore is exhausted. The nature reserve is situated in a flood water area, that during the period of rainfall overflows for six month each year.
| The "Yellow Cake" destrois the Rainbowsnake
The rubbish basin of the rangers’ mine overflows and contaminates the surrounded rivers and the marsh with radioactive mind. Since 16 years the traditional owners of this land, the Mirrar aborigines, fight against this uranium mine.
| "Piggy" a figure by Gordon Hookey on the Castor
The Australian aborigines by the mine working as well as the citizens of Ahaus by the intermediate stratum of atomic refuse are directly touched by the consequences of making use of atomic power. The aborigines’ basic spiritual, political and social structures and so their existence are endangered.
| The rat
In Australia Gordon Hookey is a well known and appreciated artist. As a poet and painter he also is disputed because of his compromise less and sarcastic attitude representing the interests of his people. He tries to preserve and to pass on the interests and the history of his people by his special kind of humour.
| Das "Zwischenlager in Ahaus" für tausende von Jahren
It is planned to realize a second mural in Sydney / Australia with the same two artists.
| Gordon does the didgeridoo
| For seven weeks the "Filmteam" Sabine and Christa were part of the project in Ahaus
Supporters:“Gemeindefinanzierungsfonds” of the state Nordrhein – Westfalen; “Ökofonds” of the political party “Bündnis 90/Die Grünen”; local sponsors (lac company, …)