Leon - children
Mural with children, february 2000
Leon, Nicaragua
Daniel Pulido
Casa de Cultura
Children and Daniel Pulido
Leon |
| House of Culture, Leon
| 2.mural with the children
Leon, Traces on earth ground
The artist Daniel Pulido is the most famous mural painter in Nicaragua. Since more than 10 years he painted a great number of murals in Nicaragua and in Europe. Many of the murals are located in Leon/Nicaragua. In addition to that, there is an official partnership to the city of Hamburg and to a group of artists.
| Participants of the murals at the "Casa de Cultura": Norwin Solorzsno, Guerold Chaves, Daniel Pulido, Alfredo Martinez, Luis Manuel Duarte, Marco Canales
As a result of this co-operation, two massive murals were painted in Leon and in Hamburg. At "Casa de Cultura" in Leon, Daniel Pulido facilitates children and youth workshops on a regular basis. His subjects are painting and building and designing of masks. Daniel, together with local youth, designed two walls at "Casa de Cultura", according to the themes of Agenda 21.
| D.Pulido: Comunidad de Indigena, Leon, Sutiaba
| 1989/90, Klaus Klinger, Sönke Nissen, Rafael Flores, Balthasar Guitirez