Mönchengladbach - Tanzania
International Muralproject together with students of the Paul-Moor-School.
”Friendship is the key to peace” Hurafiki niu funguho wa hamani duniani”
A white hand and a black hand hold hands tightly. The arms are wrapped around the globe. People of different colours are standing above them. Above the hands, an eye implies the belief in a higher power. The yellow circle around the eye is connected to a green triangle and represents a keyhole, through which a peaceful world can be seen.
Peter Weißkopff created a surrealist city with cubic elements, whose gloominess and lack of hospitality threatens the peaceful community. In the lower part of the mural, the pupils of the Paul-Moor school incorporated the aspects of an intact environment in the form of an imaginative tropical rain forest which is being destroyed by the cutting down of trees. The people – hidden in a few round huts – are left with a barren countryside to survive in. Despite the language difficulties, the children spent 4 weeks working alongside the artists and had a lot of fun.
Max T. Kamundi, born 08.011971 in Tanzania Living and working in Ndanda near Mtwara (southern Tanzania, near the border of Mozambique) and in Dar-es Salaam 1986 first paintings till 1989 in Ndanda 1989-1993 paintings and exhibition in “Nyumba ya Sanaa” (Dar-es-Salaam) 1993-1997 paintings in Nairobi (Kenia) 1997-1999 paintings in Dar-es-Salaam since Sept. 1999 paintings in Ndanda