Oldenburg - Nicaragua
'Circle of Life'
A women´s mural, 1999
Oldenburg, Germany
Ibis - Intercultural Association
VNB, Nicaragua-Association Oldenburg; Gewerbeförderungszentrum Handswerkkammer, City of Oldenburg
Cony Gomez Silva, Managua / Nicaragua; Esther Meyer-Velde, Oldenburg / Germany
Oldenburg (Collage) |
| ready
'Circle of Life'
| Cony Gomez Silva, Edierk da Silva, Esther Meyer-Velde
In Oldenburg, a wall of the hostel of candidates for the examination for the master craftsmanship diploma for interior decoration, located in the district of Donnerschwee, has been decorated with an Agenda-21-mural by the two women. Esther Meyer-Velde and Cony Gomez Silva worked more or less six weeks together on the mural.
| Die Wand,bevor sie bemalt wurde
They started with a first draw of a sketch for the picture. The sketches have been discussed and completed together with the inhabitants of the district during two public functions in Donnerschwee. During the painting process, the artists worked together with three young people, all trainees for the profession of painter and varnish man.
| Detail3
The picture shall portray a global view on the world. It shows origin, development and understanding. The idea is that all human beings across the borders are subject to the same process of evolution. The content of the picture is a metamorphosis, demonstrated by the growing of a tree.
Out of the fruit of the tree 'the hub of the world' new life is growing. This new life is symbolized by objects swirling around on the right side of the mural. Among these objects, there are some with direct reference to Oldenburg and the district of Donnerschweer, like the bicycle and the old football stadium of VFB Oldenburg.
| Ecke
'Bingo-Lottery' for Environment and Development Niedersachsen,
Ministry of Justice and European affairs, Section development politics
Foundation 'Leben und Umwelt' (life and environment)
Multi Project Fonds of the EU
ABP (= Commission of political development education and journalism)