Peine - Santiago de Cuba

No human is illegal (Kein Mensch ist illegal)
Painting on a truck, Peine, Germany, July 2000

VNB - Büro Agenda 21   Gabriele Janecki  

KoPra, Projektwerkstatt Umwelt und Entwicklung

KoPra e.V., Karsten Meier und Susanne Hesch, José Seoane Hernandez, El Cobre, Santiago de Cuba

Diese Bild größer zeigen
The lorry

The backside of the lorry
Thousands of people visited the mural project called "Clandestino Illegal", which was painted on the annual celebration day of the Province Niedersachsen, on 10.-12. Juni 2000. During this time the artists created a visible Agenda 21 mural on the outside of a truck. The truck will be part of a mobile audio-visual exhibition touring in Europe, with installations in the broader field of refugees, migration and illegality.

Many guests at the inauguration
The project was coordinated by VNB – Verein niedersächsischer Bildungsinitativen (Organisation of educational initiatives in the Province Niedersachsen). VNB is the main co-ordinating Non Governmental Organisation for any mural project in Niedersachsen.

The lorry was painted in a industryhall
One of the most significant marginal groups of our society are male and female migrants. Through strong external forces migrants in Europe quite often become excluded from public decision making processes. This point was the motivation for the subject of the mural. It includes artistic interpretations about flight, migration and the interaction of different cultures in Europe. It speaks for justice, tolerance and international peoples understanding.

The festival in Peine
Germany is but one of the countries to proudly present the mural painting to the public. The exhibition truck will be going to other European countries, for instance,

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